On the same day we went to down town Chicago we were leaving and we were about to get dinner then we were talking about getting Chinese food. Then we started talking about China Town after talking about it we were heading to China Town. When we got there we parked and we went walking around we seen this ice cream and we wanted it. My mom said “ we will get it when we are on the way to the car” so then we were looking for a restaurant. We did not want to eat there when we were getting ready to leave we stop at the ic cream place it was full the line was so long then we seen another ice cream place we went side there was no big line. I was choosing my ice cream and I went to tell the person we stood in line and we seen them make it. When they were finally done we started eating it it was so good. This is how my ice cream looked the rolled up ice cream is called Panda Panda
My favorite country is the United States. Some fun facts about the United States On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was issued, establishing the United States of America. Some other fun facts about the United States is that The most populated city in the US is New York City, followed by Los Angeles and Chicago. My favorite state in the United States is Colorado and California because it is very fun there. It’s hot in the two states. Those are some reasons why my favorite country is the United States. http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/countries/unitedstates.html
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