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Showing posts from January, 2018


The movie blackfish was about whales who killed trainers from seaworld. I liked the movie but the movie was sad at the same time because trains would get hurt or killed and the whales would get hurt but not from the trainers. And there were people who talked in the movie there was this one man who said he was crying  when he was getting the whales because they would take the baby’s from there mothers.

Fiction vs nonfiction

I like fiction more then nonfiction because fiction has a lot of adventures In nonfiction books there are real information and I don’t really like that kind of stuff. So my favorite is fiction I always read fiction

Winter break

Winter break was so fun on Friday the first day of winter break I went to my grandmas house to go get presents and I got a ton of stuff. Then on Saturday I when shoppping and I open my Christmas presents I got a ice cream maker then in Sunday I went to my grandpas and also got presents we stayed there till Thursday. On Sunday   I went to my step grandmas house I got presents I got some board games and other stuff to. I forgot what I did on the other day of winter break.

New year Resolution

My New Years resolution is to go to sleep early then I do because I go to sleep at like 2 and I have to wake up at 7 and I get really tired and I wake up late for school. Another new year resolution is to also study a lot for math.